One year after the debut of the BiCIKL Project, partners and research infrastructures will meet all together in person for the first time.
A three-day of presentation of the tasks completed, bilateral meetings and technical forums will take place in Seville (Spain) between 2 and 4 of May 2022.
"We are all thrilled about this convention," Project Coordinator Prof Lyubomir Penev comments. "It is going to be a huge step forward and an important moment for planning the activities to come."
During the meeting, which will be held at La Casa de la Ciencia, LifeWatch ERIC and GBIF will be presenting The Biodiversity Knowledge Hub (BKH), a structure at the core of the BiCIKL Project.
"We can't reveal much before the meeting," - says Christos Arvanitidis, LifeWatch ERIC CEO, "but BKH will be a single knowledge portal that helps researchers access and use interlinked and machine-readable FAIR data (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable) relying on unique stable identifiers on specimens, genomics, observations, taxonomy and data in publications."
There will be much more in the Andalusian venue: technical discussions will take place on linking between data classes, for instance, and the event will be wrapped up with a Forum on the BKH and the Fair Data Place.
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What: BiCIKL meeting
When: 2-4 May, 2022
Where: Casa de la Ciencia, Seville
Who: the BiCIKL partners and RIs
Why: To resume the first year of the project and program the following stages