
Elshishka wants all information in a place - watch the video

30 November 2023

Let's hear in this video how Milka Elshishka (from the Institute of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Research, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Bulgaria) explains her project. The project is named "Cyber catalogue and revision of the nematode genus Enchodelus (Nordiidae, Dorylaimida)" and is one of the winners of the Bicikl call for projects.

"The aim of our project is to create a cyber catalogue of the genus Enchodelus by bringing together all available information on the species, which will be published in the Biodiversity Data Journal and will serve as an exemplar model work for this kind of data assemblage on a taxon in nematology and possibility in other disciplines." - explains the scientist.

(We apologise for the poor audio quality due to a disrupted internet connection)