
"Thanks to the BiCIKL community we will develop and spread new standards" - says TDWG

26 August 2022

Today we meet Visotheary Ung, a scientist from TDWG, Biodiversity Informations Standard. The non-profit organization will hold the TDWG2022 Hybrid conference in Sofia, from the 17th to the 21st of October. To know more:

Can you introduce yourself?

I’m working at Biodiversity Information Standards, also known as TDWG. We are an international community-driven association and we are developing, ratifying and promoting standards for data exchange.

Why are you involved in this Horizon 2020 project?

We are riding BiCIKL because we would like our standards to serve as a basis for the connection between data that will be done in the project.

What are you expecting from BiCIKL?

The added value of the project for us is to be able to get in touch with another community, a large group of people, because our standards are made by task groups and interest groups. So we wish to bring in more people to work with us on developing more standards for the whole community.